Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"No two snowflakes are alike"

What Difference Means to Me

Difference- a point or way in which people or things are not the same. The same? I am most definitely not the same. I am a Persian, Jewish, Hetrosexual, Female that lives in Los Angeles... (hm,  well so are a lot of people).  But I have two kind parents, two pretty cool siblings, a reasonably nice home and go to a respectable private high school... (still not so different). Which brings me to ask: Are people really that "different"?

We all live off basic needs such as food, water, shelter... We need love, relationships, money... and sure, we are not all that alike, but something I recently started to consider was: If we are all different, does difference even really exist? 

Yes, difference does exist and yes, I am different. In one aspect, I may be the same as the hundreds of other Persian Jewish Hetrosexual Females that live in Los Angeles but what sets me apart are the unique qualities attributed to being Kayla... First off, I love listening to Drake just as much as the next teenage girl, but if my F.O.B. aunt heard one of his songs she'd probably cry. That makes me different. My mom lives off cooking for her family, but I'd probably cut off a finger or two trying to make a simple salad. That makes me different. My collection of 52 uniquely crafted Harry Potter wands, all in mint condition, makes me different. Which brings me back to the question: Does difference even really exist? Of course it does. My obsession with Drake, utter inability to cook and wand collection all contribute in making  "difference" an apparent thing in today's society and takes me out of the "box" that being a Persian Jewish Hetrosexual Female that lives in Los Angeles, puts me in. Difference is not figment of the imagination it is being a unique individual. The simple cliché "be yourself" in fact sets everyone apart from each other and makes every human being on this planet, different. 

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